Can Plise & İke Tekstil
Can Plise & İke Tekstil
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Can Plise & İke Tekstil Makinalar
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Can Plise & İke Tekstil İşimiz
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Can Plise & İke Tekstil Baskı


Heat holds and which is conducive to bear fabric, leather or paper folding shape with the help of the machine to work in a particular order is called Pleat.


100% polyester fabrics, polyester blend fabrics, leather, artificial leather applied to hundreds of different shapes, crushing and folding process.


100% polyester fabrics, polyester blend fabrics, leather, artificial leather applied to hundreds of different shapes, crushing and folding process.

Print embossing on leather, fabric pleating, fabric wrinkle works.

Contact us for technical information about our activities.

Working in a healthy way rather sterilized and clean without harming the environment by working diligently, especially in the field of clothing to be done in a careful manner.
Every time carrying out their activities in a way different design and open-minded and innovative personality and continues to work keeping pace with the changing fashion.
Fashion and style of dress suits, curtains, and so on. keeping at the forefront of providing different airs and visual products, creative design solutions made.
Outside the machine attaches great importance to human labor in this sector work together in two new, different and brings a quality craftsmanship.
With the most modern machinery and new fabric, leather and so on. processing of products made ​​designs. With the most modern machinery and new fabric.
Working After a period of time the company and companies received orders made ​​during that time period work, timely delivery made.
  • Our company doing business in Izmir and the textile market on the other hand pleated pleat to outsource the manufacturing and sales of machines began to perform.